“We are India’s most preferred
translation service provider”

For you to stay within budget, we offer need-based solutions that are real value for money.
Our long-standing commitment to quality, service, on-time delivery, and fair pricing policy has made us one of the most trusted translation agencies in India. With over 30+ years of functioning, we add a wealth of experience in terms of translation expertise, technology, and management expertise to your projects. Our Project Managers are skilled both in project planning and quality control. Their friendly approach, clarity of thought, quick decision-making abilities, and sound domain knowledge makes the entire process of translation project hassle-free.
Our translators are expert linguists with an ample amount of experience and specialization in the chosen field. Depending on the translation task, we select translators based either in India for Indian and International language or In-country native professional translators throughout the world for translation and localization in the regional language of the locality. All of our translators are conversant with the latest CAT tools.
At Shakti Enterprise, we believe that translation should go beyond mere words. We translate not only your words but also your message, tone, meaning, and design. This assures that you get a fully localized version in the target language and for your target market. We are DIN EN 15038 and ISO 9001:2008 certified agency along with NISC-CRISIL rating SE3B for performance. We are also active members of the ATA (American Translation Association), IFT (International Federation of Translators) and ITA (Indian Translators Association).
We have a process that is simple enough to follow across all types of translation projects, and at the same time, builds efficiency. Firstly, the source file is analysed, and an appropriate linguist is chosen. A brief note is provided for the translation task with specific details of the target audience and the market. The use of translation memory software and CAT tools for terminology and glossary check ensure consistency.
We understand that the need to control cost and eliminate errors is essential. Therefore, we have built an internal process, investing in translation memory and terminology tools to maintain language consistency across all our projects, and make our project costs reasonable.
For you to stay within budget and at the same time fulfil customer needs, we offer need-based solutions that are real value for money. Choose between Budget translation, Standard translation, Professional translation, and Value-added translation and enjoy package benefits Read More.