"Here are the linguistic
QA and quality process we follow."

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As translation is a human endeavour, errors are bound to occur, and therefore, a review of translation quality and linguistic quality analysis is essential.
Enquiry : Sales head reviews client enquiry in consultation with the Project Manager
Quote : Estimation is done based on the scope of work, and the quotation is sent after analysing the source document using the latest CAT tools. The project plan and timeline is agreed with the client.
File Prep :Source file Preparation is done by a Project coordinator who is assigned the task. This is done by involving localization engineer who applies the relevant CAT tools for extracting only those portions of text that requires translation.
Translation : Native translator who is assigned their task does the translation, and then, linguistic check is done.
Quality Check : The project coordinator checks the comments made by the Editor and then discusses about it with the client for terminology and style guide to be followed. These are then sent to the native translator who has originally sent the translated file for review and reformatting.
Target File Reformatting : The native translator goes through the comments made by the Editor and either accepts or denies the comments with remark and revisions. Shakti team, translator, and Editor then discuss about the conflicts in suggestions and resolve it. Client clarification is sought in technical areas and additional inputs on context and target audience are asked.
DTP : DTP takes over for doing the layout as per source PDF in the language required.
Proofreading : Proofreading is done for translated file and source documents for correctness.
DTP QA: DTP QA checks whether the mechanical errors are removed and technical specs are followed properly or no.
Target File: Final file is checked for design, style, and format. Suggestions are made to improve the layout.
Final QA: A proof-reader reviews the translation and checks for errors, if any found then they are resolved. If change is required to add value keeping in mind the context, these are communicated to the client.